Discussing Global Economic Conditions, Hundreds of Economists Gather in Bengkulu
![Discussing Global Economic Conditions, Hundreds of Economists Gather in Bengkulu](https://rbtv.disway.id/upload/884cb75cea86b9c0da8c7e3faaf4ebf8.jpeg)
Retno Agustina Ekaputri--
BENGKULU, RBTVCAMKOHA.COM – Bengkulu Province will be host the Plenary Session of the Association of Indonesian Economic Scholars (ISEI).
This information was conveyed by the Chief of the Association of Indonesian Economic Scholars (ISEI) Bengkulu, Retno Agustina Ekaputri, in a press conference with Bengkulu Representative of Bank Indonesia , Monday morning (29/5) in the Hall of Bengkulu University
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Retno said, in the plenary session which will be held in early September 2023, around 600 to 900 economists will gather in Bengkulu. Not only national economists, but also those from Europe and the United States.
In this meeting later, these economic experts will discuss about global economic conditions, particularly efforts to increase economic growth.
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Retno explained "This is a very good opportunity for Bengkulu Province, because we invite economists and all those involved in Indonesia and internationally. So, hopefully, if everyone gets together, tries to solve problems together, and provide solutions that can be implemented by the regional government."
Meanwhile, in a release from Bengkulu representative of Indonesian Bank said that currently global economic conditions were growing by 2,7 percent, exceeding previous estimates.
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